Mini Cow Care Guide.
About Mini Zebus
Mini Zebus grow to about 36 to 38 inches in height, but some as small as 26 inches. They have very friendly characteristics and often make good pets.
Born in a variety of colors, Zebus range from black to red to all white. They can grow to between 200lbs and 500lbs.
When caring for them, you need to maintain a sufficient amount of salt blocks and a sufficient amount of fresh water. They can graze for food in the summer, but you need plenty of hay during the winter. Like all other cows, they must be fed daily. They are more comfortable in warmer weather, so if you have one in cold weather you need to keep them warm. With good care, Zebus can live up to 25 years.
Here are only a few things you need to keep in mind before buying any cows:
Calve coats for cold weather
Heat lamps for colder months
Harnesses for leading and training
Herbal ley for worm control
Mineral or salt blocks
Fresh water fed to them continuously
Care Guide
Cattle should have shelter (barn or lean-to or some building) for protection against the elements
Prevent over exposure to rain (rain burn on animals backs in winter) and sun (sun-burn in summer around eyes & nose)
Face flies spread Pink Eye which is a highly contagious bacterial infection that can lead to blindness
Feed hay (alfalfa, local hay, grass hay, Timothy, etc) twice daily (morning and evening) unless pasture grass is growing well.
Fresh water daily
Iodized salt blocks should be available at all times
Vision 8 (also called 8-way shot) prevents Blackleg, Tetnus, etc. This shot should be given once a year to all cattle.
Ivomec (wormer shot or pour-on). This shot should be given twice a year to all cattle. Given in Spring and Fall. May be given by Injection (considered best as it gets rid of liver flukes, worms, etc). However, there is a pour-on Ivomec (which may be purchased at Feed Stores) that is very easy to use but does not get rid of liver flukes. This pour-on Ivomec is poured down the center of the back in the proper amount according to body weight.
Co-Ral Dust is a white powder that comes in a shaker can, which helps to control flies
3 in One Sweet Lix Block (Red Label). This is a Vitamin/Mineral block for cattle. Should have available to animals all year long. Sweet Lix has Selenium (a very important mineral for cattle) because most areas have next to none in the soil.