Dog Town Farm - Hamilton, Ohio

Herd Bulls

Our Start


Fred is the bull for our micro herd. He is full of personality at 26” tall. He loves scratches, cuddles in the sunshine, and being first in line for treats. He does not fall short of bull stereotype and picks fights with a brahmana.


Cliff is a retired show bull and was hand raised by a 4-H student. He continues to be the sweetest guy and loves cuddling all his babies. He is our herd bull for our mini group standing 32” tall. We breed for docility and Cliff brings the vibe. However, he is known to steal the treat bucket from you.

2020 was weird for everyone. Bought a zebra off of Craigslist and started going to exotic animal auctions. Thus my obsession with mini cows was born. Dog Town Farm is currently home to about 50 mini Zebu, a water buffalo, and 3 prison donkeys (Zebras).

Contact Us.

Ashlee & Morgan

Phone: 513-275-9988